Account profiles
There are three types of accounts on Nextdoor: a neighbor account, a business page, and an agency page.
- ⅓ households in the US
- ¼ households in the UK
- 80M+ verified neighbors
- 42M+ are active weekly
- $1B worth of goods listed in our marketplace each month
A neighbor, or neighbor account, is the most common profile on Nextdoor. Neighbors have the ability to create posts, events, FSF listings, and interact with all content that Nextdoor has to offer.
Sign up for a neighbor account
- 3.9M claimed business pages on Nextdoor
- 2.4M businesses faved
Business pages make it easy for neighbors to find your business. Local businesses use Nextdoor to reach local customers and build an online presence. You can create a business page by linking your neighbor profile or you can create your own page on its own.
Public Agency
- 5.5k active public agencies
A wide variety of Public Agencies — including governors, fire departments, police departments, and health departments — rely on Nextdoor to share critical information and engage with the communities they serve.
As the only platform with a built-in audience of verified residents, Nextdoor has become even more mission-critical for agencies and residents to connect with each other in communities across the country. Nextdoor provides the ability to engage neighbors in an entire municipality or geo-target communications to neighbors living in service areas such as districts and beats.
Updated 10 months ago