In order to start building, you need to request access to our Advertising APIs
Nextdoor Ads Manager (NAM) enables advertisers to reach real people, tailor their message with local personalization at national scale, and influence customers when they have highly valuable intent. With Nextdoor's extensive network of engaged neighbors, businesses will be able to reach the right audience, build meaningful connections, and drive growth locally. With our Ads API, developers can enable advanced campaign creation at scale and increase workflow efficiency.
Our Ads API is designed to be exhaustive and cover core operations such as creating and updating campaigns, ad groups, ads, and reporting; however there are a few foundational operations that must be done directly in the NAM UI. This includes:
- Initial sign up to access NAM
- Adding, updating, and removing payment options
- Adding, updating, and archiving custom audiences
- Archiving media assets
The Ads API grants developers access to the following NAM resources: profile, advertiser, campaign, ad group, ad, creative, media, and reports. Our API enables developers to create an advertiser account and create campaigns within that account, as well as directly query both values. Developers can also pull a list of the supported targeting options in NAM, configure specific ad groups within those allowed parameters, and build and run ads. For active campaigns, our API can also be used to generate automatic scheduled reports to monitor performance across campaigns, ad groups, and specific ads over time.
Use cases:
- Create and update ad campaigns, ad groups, and ads within an advertiser account
- Create additional advertiser accounts under a primary business account
- Connect previously used ad creatives to new ad groups and campaigns
- Create an ad group that targets Android users only, with budget of $1,000 and a bid of $10 across all placement options
- Create scheduled reporting for ad campaigns, ie. a weekly report emailed to you that has a breakdown of impression metrics at the campaign level
Conversion API
Nextdoor Ads Manager (NAM) enables advertisers to reach real people, tailor their message with local personalization at national scale, and influence customers when they have highly valuable intent. With Nextdoor's extensive network of engaged neighbors, businesses will be able to reach the right audience, build meaningful connections, and drive growth locally.
With our Conversions API (CAPI), developers can maximize visibility into captured conversions and better understand the true ROI of their Nextdoor ads
Most major browsers now block third-party cookies and web pixels (i.e Nextdoor pixel) are becoming less and less effective. Unlike the Nextdoor pixel, our Conversion CAPI does not depend on third-party cookies to capture conversion events. As a result, CAPI can capture conversion events that the pixel misses (due to third-party cookie blockers).
Compared to the Nextdoor pixel the Conversion API:
- Offers visibility into offline (i.e. phone calls)) and mobile conversions
- Is immune to issues on client side (browser loading errors, connectivity issues and ad blockers)
- Is resilient against platform changes (unlike conversion pixel does not require browser support)
Through the Conversion API advertisers can send:
- Web conversions
- In-App Conversions
- Offline Conversions
Updated over 1 year ago