
This endpoint creates an ad group based on the input payload for an existing NAM campaign.

Placements are a required input; valid placement values include:

  • "FEED"
  • "FSF"
  • "RHR"

Bid data is a required input; the amount field should be passed in the standardized Money format in order to be parsed correctly, please reference the "Data Types" section for more details. Valid pricing_type values include:

  • "CPM"

Budget data is a required input; the amount field should be passed in the standardized Money format in order to be parsed correctly, please reference the "Data Types" section for more details. Valid budget_type values include:


The start_time and end_time fields are required and must be passed in the ZonedDateTime format. Refer to the "Data Types" section for more information on standardized date types in the NAM API. If an end_time is not passed in, then the AdGroup is assumed to be running continuously.

Frequency cap configurations, targeting, and custom audience ids configuration are all optional inputs for this method as well.

Eligible timeunit values for frequency cap configurations include:

  • "MINUTE"
  • "HOUR"
  • "HOURS"
  • "DAY"
  • "DAYS"
  • "WEEK"
  • "WEEKS"
  • "MONTH"
  • "MONTHS"

Targeting is an optional input, and specified by IDs. The IDs for each targeting category can be retrieved via the targeting/ GET endpoints (see the "Targeting" section), or custom_audience/get/ for custom audiences.

  • included_location_targeting_ids: IDs of all locations to include in targeting

  • excluded_location_targeting_ids: IDs of all locations to exclude from targeting

  • audience_targeting_ids: IDs of all demographics and/or devices to include in targeting

  • custom_audience_targeting: Boolean criteria for targeting custom audiences

    • include: Lists of lists of IDs to include in targeting. Within each inner list, audiences are OR'd. Inner lists are then AND'd together.

      Ex) [[1,2][3]] = (1 OR 2) AND (3)

    • exclude: Lists of lists of IDs to exclude in targeting. Within each inner list, audiences are OR'd. Inner lists are then AND'd together.

      Ex) [[1,2][3]] = NOT ((1 OR 2) AND (3))

  • interests_targeting: Boolean criteria for targeting interests

    • include: Lists of lists of IDs to include in targeting. Within each inner list, audiences are OR'd. Inner lists are then AND'd together.

      Ex) [[1,2][3]] = (1 OR 2) AND (3)

    • exclude: Lists of lists of IDs to exclude from targeting. Within each inner list, audiences are OR'd. Inner lists are then AND'd together.

      Ex) [[1,2][3]] = NOT ((1 OR 2) AND (3))

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